Prix de la Chambre • Gala and evenings
Cross-Cultural Quiz Evening
Take part in the quiz and test your knowledge of Franco-British topics Join us for a cross-cultural evening of exchange and participation as we meet for dinner and take part in a quiz on French and British topics, habits and traditions with a focus on bridging the divide between French and British business practices. This is your chance to impress with your cultural know-how or gain a better understanding of our different cultures whilst continuing to build your network !
Cross-Cultural Quiz Evening Photo Gallery
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Intercultural Trophy
When the French and British do business together, what is natural and obvious in one country may be exotic and strange in the other. The Intercultural Trophy, sponsored by Sherrards Solicitors, is aimed at recognising a culturally-intelligent company, organisation or project that has successfully helped to bridge the gap between our two cultures.
Event Location
Cross-Cultural Quiz Evening
Event ended.