Event report

The essentials of exporting from France to the UK

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The essentials of exporting from France to the UK: webinar with Dachser 

How has Brexit affected the rules regarding France-UK exports? We were pleased to welcome industry experts Dachser to explain the basics to our members in this webinar on 15th September. 

Missed the event? You can read our summary of the main points below and find the video recording at the bottom of the page. 

Exportation and Brexit: before and after 

Before post-Brexit rules took effect, all that was required for shipments from France to the UK was a declaration of exchange of goods (DEB). 

Since Brexit took effect on 31st December 2020, goods are now pre-declared on both sides of the UK-France border, although this in itself does not give them clearance to cross the border. Clearance data is collated and fed into the GVMS (Goods Vehicle Movement Service) to produce a unique barcode called a goods movement reference (GMR), which allows goods into the UK. 

Once a GMR has been scanned at the port, a truck carrying goods can proceed on to a ferry or train. When a truck arrives in the UK, it will either carry straight on with its journey or be directed to an Inland Border Facility (IBF) site for further inspection by customs officials. 

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